In 2018, Bane-Welker Equipment became 100% employee-owned through an employee stock ownership program. Since then, we have worked to provide new opportunities for both our business and our employee-owners to further us into the future of the Agricultural Industry. To help foster these opportunities, the ESOP Committee was created to be a liaison between business leadership and employee owners at each of our locations to drive engagement and education.



  • More than 6,200 ESOP Companies are spread across the US.
  • There are 10.6 million ESOP owners. More than the entire workforce of the US auto industry.
  • ESOPs have a value of $1.38 Trillon. An average of $129,521 per employee.
  • 97% have access to a second company sponsored retirement plan - like a 401(K) - in addition to the ESOP
  • ESOP companies are 1.4 times more likely to offer employee sponsored training.